Frequently Asked Questions
What is is the leading menu provider on the Internet. Many sites have reviews or phone numbers or listings but they are missing the most important part. The menus. MenuPix has it all. It allows you to truly make an informed decision when picking a restaurant. allows you to clean out your menu drawer and access any menu you want with the click of a button.
Do I have to register to use
No. Registered users can quickly access their favorite restaurants and store them in a virtual menu drawer.
How do I search for a specific restaurant?
Just type the restaurant in the search box at the top of any page.
Why can’t I find a restaurant I know exists?
You may have a slightly different spelling than we do. Try using less words or part of a work to generate more search results. If that doesn't work, we may not have the restaurant in our database. If we do not, please let us know via email ( and we will add it to the site.
What if a restaurant's information is incorrect?
We make every effort to keep our information current. If you find any inaccurate information, please click on the "Edit Restaurant Info" link on a restaurants page to let us know what to fix.
Why is the menu information incorrect?
The restaurant may have recently changed or updated their menu. Please let the restaurant know to contact us to update their menu.